Fiduciary Appointments

Fraud Law Group attorneys and professionals specialize in court-appointed receiverships and other fiduciary appointments in which fraud is alleged. Our practice group consists of lawyers, investigators, and forensic accountants, each with over 30 years of experience in the tracing and recovery of assets lost to fraud.

We have successfully recovered over $200 million in assets. We have established relationships with federal, state, and foreign law enforcement authorities and work cooperatively with these authorities to locate, manage, and preserve assets that are the proceeds of fraud.


Among the services we provide in this practice area are:

  • Serving as receivers or court-appointed fiduciaries in federal and state fraud enforcement actions brought by prosecuting authorities.
  • Serving as receivers or court-appointed fiduciaries in federal and state proceedings brought by private litigants in which fraud, or other deceptive business practices, are alleged.
  • Tracing the proceeds of fraud by reconstructing financial records and conducting financial investigations.
  • Managing, preserving, and liquidating real estate and other property subject to receivership proceedings.

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